Make sure that you are logged into Mitzvites.

  • If you are not, click the “Login” button from any page and login.

  1. Click on the “Guest List” button and add or import your new guests.
  2. When finished, click “Send Mitzvite” from the top navigation.
  3. Click the “Send to Specific Guests” button.

    • You will be presented with a list of your guests along with checkboxes next to their names.
      • Notice that the most recent guests you have added are at the top of the list so it’s easy to find your newest guests.
    • Click the checkboxes next to the guests that you want to send your Mitzvite to and when you are done, click the “Send Invitations” button.
      • Mazel Tov! You have just sent your Mitzvite to a specific group of guests.